How to get Cheap Auto Insurance in Dallas
Car insurance in Dallas is known for being expensive. With a population of over 1.3 million people, wrecks are likely and frequent, so going without proper coverage is extremely dangerous.
Thankfully, there are ways to save money on car insurance in Dallas.
Raise Your Credit
Your credit has a heavy impact on your car insurance rates. Drivers with poor credit will have a harder time finding cheap car insurance, but it's not impossible. Build your credit while shopping around by paying off debts or loans and paying bills on time. Some insurance agencies have more leniency with nonstandard drivers, so shop around agencies that either have specialize in nonstandard drivers or don't consider credit.
Choose Your Vehicle Carefully
Certain vehicles cost more to insure due to their make, model, year and value. Expensive vehicles cost more to insure, since they will cost more to repair. Some vehicles are statistically more likely to be stolen, which makes them more expensive to insure.
Certain modifications can affect your insurance rates, as well. Vehicles modified for speed will cost more to insure, but vehicles with high safety ratings or with anti-theft locks will cost less to insure.
Consider choosing an older vehicle with a high safety rating and anti-theft locks to safe on auto insurance and lower the risk of having to file a claim. Claims can raise your rates depending on the incident itself.
Coverage Limits Matter
The more coverage you have, the more you will pay in insurance premiums. Be careful when choosing lower coverage, though. In Texas, you legally must carry:
- $30,000 in bodily injury liability per person
- $60,000 in bodily injury liability per accident
- $25,000 in property damage
Beside these coverages, additional insurance is optional. It's still recommended that you carry enough insurance to protect yourself, your vehicle and your passengers in case of an accident, however.
But if you have an older vehicle that would cost less to replace than to insure, you may want to skip out on comprehensive insurance, for example.
Drive Carefully
Perhaps the biggest influence on your car insurance rates is your driving record. Getting into wrecks or receiving multiple tickets can raise your insurance rates substantially. A DUI on its own can make your premiums skyrocket over 80 percent. You can take defensive driving courses to lower your insurance rates, along with simply driving carefully and avoiding distracted driving.
How to Get Nonowners Insurance in Dallas
Purchasing non-owner’s insurance for times when you are without a car can be incredibly helpful if you are between vehicles. Not only will it keep your insurance costs lower, as you haven’t been without insurance, once you get a new vehicle but also protect you from liability in many situations. While this type of auto insurance doesn’t cover everything a normal car insurance policy would, it is still handy to have as an option when you need it most. You may also find that obtaining this insurance is incredibly easy and can be provide to a wide variety of people.
How to Get Non-Owners Insurance in Dallas, Texas
Many people wonder how to get non-owners insurance in Dallas due to possessing a car or being between insurances due to their lack of a car. However, it is incredibly easy to apply for quotes just like any other insurance you may want to purchase. Companies such as Safe Auto and State Farm both offer quotes for non-owner’s insurance to help people prevent the high costs of being without insurance for a vehicle. Usually non-owner’s insurance costs less than your usual insurance policy due to it not possessing certain qualities that a normal car insurance would have you pay for as part of your policy.
Applying for Non-Owners Insurance
The first step to learning how to get non-owners insurance in Dallas is to simply apply with as many auto insurance companies as you can to obtain the best price. You will not only benefit from having the ability to choose the company with the best prices but the best coverage as well. Some people prefer to add extra medical coverage on their non-owner insurance policies to help them when an accident does occur. Others will add to the liability coverage to protect themselves in the case of an accident as they feel the base coverage doesn’t cover as much as it should. These choices are up to you but will help you in the long run until you can get your own car.
What Does Non-Owners Insurance Provide?
You will notice a few obvious differences between normal auto insurance and non-owner’s insurance. The first is that collision and comprehensive coverage are not offered under these types of policies due to you not owning a vehicle to place these policies on. However, it does cover liability as well as medical for underinsured or uninsured drivers in the case of an accident. This will allow you to borrow a friend’s car and ensure that these necessities are covered if you do happen to be in an accident. Your friend’s auto insurance will cover damages as well as anything else that needs coverage, then your non-owner’s insurance will cover the rest.
There are several benefits of having non-owner’s insurance such as the ability to be covered in the case of an accident while borrowing a vehicle. You can also obtain this insurance from a company that will give you discounts on rental vehicles which can save you money when you do need a vehicle but cannot borrow one from a friend. Finally, you will also benefit from being able to keep your preferred driver status as you won’t be without insurance even if you are without a car to put insurance on.
What You Need to Know About Named Driver Policies in Dallas
Named driver auto insurance policies, sometimes called junk policies, are no longer allowed in the great state of Texas. This upheaval will help protect consumers and eliminate an advantage some smaller less reputable auto insurance companies had over the big players in the market. Are you losing your named driver policy in 2020? Here’s what you need to know.
What Is A Named Driver Policy?
A named driver plan is a super cheap liability policy that includes somewhat cryptic language about what drivers are included and excluded from the policy. The vehicle or household isn’t covered, the named driver is only. Small insurance companies used this type of policy to reduce risk which allowed them to offer extremely cheap auto insurance quotes. Larger auto insurance carriers like State Farm and Allstate didn’t provide these types of plans that they called “junk policies.” The named driver plan allowed smaller auto insurance agencies to write a cheap auto insurance policy that often denied claims and offered very little protection.
What Did The Named Driver Policy Get Banned?
Texas banned named driver policies and as of January 1st, 2020, named policies can no longer be written or renewed. This has left some people who took out these policies due to their cheap premiums wondering why. While at first glance it may seem like the cheapest option is being taken off the table, the real spirit of the ban is to protect consumers and victims of accidents.
The named driver policies were often misleading and people did not understand the limitations. If anyone other than the named driver was in the driver’s seat during an accident the claims were not covered. This left accident victims that were not at fault without any insurance protection which defeats the state mandate that everyone that drives must have insurance.
You can still get limited liability auto coverage at cheap rates, but the named driver policy itself no longer exists.
What Are Some Other Ways You Can Get Cheaper Auto Insurance in Dallas?
If auto insurance is putting a strain on your finances, there are other ways to find cheap auto insurance. Here are a few tips to reduce the cost of your insurance:
- Drive older vehicles, new cars are more expensive to insure Take defensive driving courses
- Install safety or anti-theft features
- Maintain a clean driving record
- Work to improve your credit score
- Take advantage of all available discounts
- Pay annually or if you pay monthly use auto draft
- If you are a two-car family and can get by with one, for the time being, put one car in storage and notify your insurance company
- Choose a plan with a higher deductible if possible Avoid making unnecessary claims
What to do If You're Driving Drowsy
Dallas is one of the most well known American cities in the world. This northern Texas mega city is the commercial and cultural hub of the state. With a large population and a healthy amount of tourists, drivers need to be especially careful on the roads. You might be surprised to find out that one of the leading causes of car crashes is driving while drowsy.
Polls and studies done by the National Sleep Foundation found some outrageous facts about being sleepy behind the wheel. For instance, 60% of the people polled admitted to driving while sleepy and 37% even admitted to fall asleep briefly behind the wheel. Through the use of simulated drivers testing their study showed that staying awake for 18 hours straight had the same effects of having a blood alcohol level of .05 and being awake for 24 hours straight was the equivalent of having a blood alcohol level of .10. In most states being over the legal limit is .08.
It’s difficult to calculate the true impact of drowsy driving since it’s hard to prove. Driving while drowsy is caused by a combination of things. Here are the top reasons people get too tired behind the wheel.
- Untreated Sleep Disorders
- Shift Work (long shifts or working odd hours like early morning or late nights)
- Medication Side Effects
- Driving Long Distances#5. Returning home from a long event
Being sleep deprived or taking medications that make you drowsy significantly impair your driving. From having a slow reaction time to actually falling asleep while driving, it isn’t safe for yourself or others on the road with you. The following signs are an indication that you are too tired to drive and need to take a short nap, drink some cold water or get your mind engaged and awake before driving anywhere.
- Yawning repeatedly
- Hard to keep eyes open
- Nodding Off
- Can’t remember driving the last few miles
- Keep missing signs and exits
- Drifting into other lanes
If you want to get the cheapest car insurance rates in Dallas then you need to stay accident free. Avoid driving while tired to help ensure your safety on the road. Delay your trip or pull over if you start seeing the signs of drowsiness and make sure to read all warnings on any medications you take before driving.
New to Cheapest Auto Insurance?
Finding cheap auto insurance in Dallas is not always easy. However, here at Cheapest Auto Insurance we are dedicated with assisting you with finding the cheapest rate possible for you and your vehicle. Our agents are ready to help you find the best rate possible. Get a quote today! Call us at 214-760-4883 or click here for an online quote!