Dallas Auto Insurance Q&A
If you’re a car owner in Dallas it pays to know the facts about car insurance. Auto Insurance helps you pay for hefty unexpected expenses related to owning and driving a car, but the coverage varies depending on what type of coverage you have and who your insurance provider is. Here are some of the top questions about car insurance in Dallas, answered for you.
What Kind Of Auto Insurance Is Required In The State Of Texas?
In Dallas and the whole state of Texas, drivers must carry a minimum amount of auto liability insurance to protect themselves if they are found to be at fault in an accident. Texas state minimums are $30,000 for Bodily Injury Liability per individual and $60,000 per accident as well as $25,000 for Property Damage Liability. Minimum coverage only covers the other driver, not your own damages.
Is Car Insurance In Dallas More Expensive?
It’s not just your imagination, Texans in general pay around 26.9% higher car insurance premiums on average. The reasons for higher rates come from a combination of things including:
- Population density (the second-most populous state in the US)
- Dallas is one of the highest populated areas
- Higher number of accidents
- Higher speed limits
- More DUI incidents
- More uninsured drivers on the road (about 14% more)
How Can I Protect Myself Beyond Minimum Liability?
If you financed your car the bank will require you to get full coverage (comprehensive and collision coverage) to protect their investment and yours. Collision coverage is what helps you pay for damage to your own car after an accident and comprehensive covers damages not caused by accidents. In addition to this, you should consider taking out more than that minimum required coverage, especially if you have a lot of assets at stake. According to Value Penguin, some of the cheapest full coverage companies for auto insurance are Geico, Progressive, Texas Farm Bureau, and State Farm.
What Are Some Of The Top Car Insurance Companies In Dallas?
Texas Farm Bureau: If you have a clean driving record, the Texas Farm Bureau might be your cheapest option for full coverage in Dallas. It does require membership in the Farm Bureau, but anyone can join.
Geico: Geico is a national auto insurance company with ridiculously cute television ads. They also happen to rank among the best of the best when it comes to both rates and customer service in Texas.
State Farm: State Farm is a well-established household name as a national insurance company for auto, home, renters, farms, property, and more.
Republic Group: Republic Group started in Texas back in 1903, so it’s a great choice for people that like to buy local! They have great rates for car and homeowners insurance.
Nationwide: Their popular slogan “Nationwide Is On Your Side” makes them easy to remember. They are easy to work with and have strong customer reviews for both prices and ease of making claims.