The best way to make sure you have affordable auto insurance that fits your needs is to do comparison shopping once every six months. Not only do auto insurance companies come up with new plans and discounts occasionally, but your own circumstances change over time as well. When you are looking over a list of car insurance companies it's important to list all the possible discounts you qualify for. Let’s take a look at how Dallas drivers can quickly find and compare auto insurance quotes online.
Why You Should Compare Car Insurance Quotes Online
When you’re comparing plans that are very similar, the devil is in the details. It helps to be able to compare line items if you look at the plans side-by-side. Luckily, there are websites that will take your information and find 3-4 great plans for you and present them in a way that lets you easily see the differences between them. Don’t forget that most of the savings come in the form of discounts, so pay close attention to the discounts and percentages off of premiums that each plan offers. Dallas residents have a lot of great options when it comes to auto insurance so take your time to research each plan.
Choosing The Best Auto Insurance Quote Comparison Sites
Not all sites are created equal when it comes to car insurance quotes and comparisons. Clearly all of these websites have an agenda, to get traffic and make money through affiliate likes or ads. Some websites are safer and more upfront with what they do, providing real-time accurate quotes and not collecting your private information. Sites like and provide such valuable information. They are the best sources for online auto insurance shopping.
Popular auto insurance blogs like Nerd Wallet and The Zebra also provide solid general information but their insurance plan quotes are only estimates and averages. They do not pull real-time data that is tied to your personal situation. You can get high-level information only at these sites.
Finally, there are some sites to stay away from. These are sites that exist solely to collect your information, put you on mailing lists, or sell your information to other sites. Unfortunately, sometimes these sites look legit causing confusion. For example, DMV.ORG is a privately-held website that many people mistake for an official or government site. Keep in mind that government sites end with .GOV.
Information That Is Key For Auto Insurance Shopping
When you set yourself up to do some comparison shopping online, a reputable site will need some basic information about you in order to give accurate information. This will include things like your zip code, type of car, driving history, occupation, and maybe a few other details. Insurance rates are based on a number of factors so without this information, you wouldn’t be getting precision information. Your occupation can help determine if you’re eligible for certain discounts.
Contact your local auto insurance agency to help you break it down in even more detail. Keep in mind that rates change over time and it’s best to do an insurance checkup twice a year and compare car insurance quotes across many different avenues. Ask friends and family who they are using for their auto insurance and read google and Facebook reviews to make sure the auto insurance quotes you receive will turn into a good relationship with the auto insurance company long haul