While choosing the best car insurance company out there it might feel like a burden to your household budget, you’ll be glad to have quality insurance in your pocket if you ever get into an accident. First of all, having at least minimum liability insurance is the law, so you’d be looking at a heap of legal trouble if you had an accident without coverage. On top of that, having no or poor coverage could take a financial toll because according to the National Safety Council, a single accident could cost anywhere from a simple $10,000 to over a million and half dollars if there are fatalities.
What Makes A Great Auto Insurance Company?
While everyone wants the cheapest auto insurance rates, you’ll also want to investigate who has the highest-rated service in case you ever have to make a claim. In addition to great rates and world-class customer service, you can factor in other benefits like the discounts offered by each company.
Car insurance for Dallas drivers can be a bit pricey. The average annual cost for Dallas auto insurance is around $265 higher than the statewide average in Texas. So if you’re making big things happen in Dallas, you might be paying a premium for it. That’s alright though because we have a list of the best auto insurance companies in Dallas that will give you the cheapest rates and the best service you could ask for.
The Best Auto Insurance In Dallas
The top three auto insurance companies for the cheapest rates in town (excluding the USAA for military families) are GEICO, State Farm, and Allstate. These three giants in the industry have phenomenal rates and many discounts you can take advantage of.
When it comes to the highest ratings by consumers, Reviews.com lists the following as top dogs; State Farm, Allstate, Farmers, and Progressive.
How To Reduce Your Dallas Auto Insurance
There are some factors that affect auto insurance rates that you cannot control, such as; your age, your gender, and to some extent your marital status and the congestion and crime rate of the area you live in. There are other factors, however, that you have some influence over.
A few examples of auto insurance rate factors you can control:
Improving your credit score
Buying an affordable car anti-theft
Adding safety or features to your car
Driving safe to avoid tickets and accidents
Making claims only when appropriate and necessary
Bundling services
Rate shopping every six months
Paying annually
Paying using auto-draft
Applying for any available discounts
Opting for a higher deductible plan
You and your auto insurance broker should review your plan at least twice a year and do some side by side analysis to make sure you still have the best rates. Sometimes your credit score or clean driving record could change over time. Rates and discounts offered by each company can also fluctuate. Your auto insurance agency will help you find the best plan.