Finding cheap car insurance with an ID only can be very difficult. Most auto insurance companies charge up to 30% higher rates for not having a valid driver's license. Having a valid driver's license allows insurance companies to review your driving history and give you an appropriate price. Without an insurance company being able to run your driving record the insurance company cannot rate the risk appropriately and therefore will charge you more for your auto insurance. When insurance companies assess your driving record this allows them to predict the likelihood you turning in a claim. The more claims turned in to the insurance company the less money they make and in turn will have to raise their rates.
Buying a car with an ID only
Before you purchase insurance your car, and you have an ID only, it is important to call around and get as many quotes as possible. It is completely legal to purchase a car even if you have an ID only. Many auto insurance companies do not offer coverage if you have an ID only. The price of the auto insurance can also be more expensive if you have an ID only compared to if you have an active license.
When you are buying a new car one of the most expensive parts about owning it can be the auto insurance prices. Many dealerships will require you to provide proof of insurance before you can leave the car lot with your vehicle. Even before you test drive a car many dealerships will require proof of ID and insurance before you can even test drive a new car. When you go to the car dealership it is important to have all the stuff you need before purchasing the car. Some dealerships though are not as picky though and more focused on the sale of the car and allow you to purchase the car without having to prove you have insurance or a license. Each dealership is subject to their own rules though.
We have found that it's easier to purchase a car with an ID only than it is to purchase insurance with one. This is because the dealerships release themselves of responsibility after the purchase.
Purchasing auto insurance with an ID only
It can be difficult and expensive to purchase car insurance with an ID only. Many preferred national companies do not offer coverage for drivers with just an ID. Auto insurance carriers see drivers with an ID only more of a risk to have an accident. We have found that nonstandard auto insurance companies are the best option for drivers with an ID only. Here are a few nonstandard auto insurance agencies that specialize in ID only car insurance:
Cheapest Auto Insurance
Auto Insurance Center
Here are some auto insurance companies that partner with the above agencies that is the actual carrier on the policy:
Save Money Car Insurance
You will find many local independent insurance agents will be able to work with many carriers that specialize in ID only car insurance. These agents are license to write with many companies so it provides a lot of different options for consumers to choose from. Getting as many quotes from these companies as possible will greatly increase your chances of finding cheap ID only car insurance.
When you are searching for auto insurance quotes with an ID only it is important to be truthful about your license status and driving record. Most every insurance company runs a Motor Vehicle Report which pulls the driving record and license status of the insured. It will save you a lot of time and headache by disclosing your license status and driving record so your rates do not adjust in the future or possibly even get your policy cancelled.
How to find cheap auto insurance quotes for ID only car insurance
The best way to find the cheapest auto insurance quote if you have an ID only is to get as many quotes as possible. The more quotes you get the better your chances are of finding cheap rates. This is why we recommend contacting a nonstandard auto insurance broker who works with numerous different insurance companies. In addition to this tip, we have found a few more things you can do to find cheap insurance quotes:
Keep a safe driving record
Do not have any claims turned in for 3 years
Set your policy up on autopay for your monthly payments
It is important when searching for auto insurance quotes to disclose everything on your driving record and the status of your license. Some companies do not run those reports until after the policy is bound and they have your money. If they find tickets or accidents on your record or find out that your license is not active, they can raise your rates on your upcoming bills. So, in essence the quote you received upfront will be nothing like the price you were given.
ID only car insurance FAQs:
Should I keep my car insurance active if I own a vehicle but just have an ID only?
Yes, if your car in on the road you will want to keep insurance on it even if you just have an ID only. If the car is never driven then there would be no reason to keep insurance on it unless you are renewing your tag which then it would be necessary.
How do I get auto insurance if I have an ID only and someone else drives me around?
It would be best to purchase auto insurance in your name and then add the person that is driving you around to your auto insurance policy.
Can I insure my vehicle on someone else’s policy if I have an ID only?
Yes, you can but they will need to add you as a covered driver onto their policy.