Liability Car Insurance
Liability auto insurance proof is required by law to carry in your vehicle at all times. Each state is different on what limits they require you to carry. The state minimum limits in Oklahoma of 25/50/25 are a little bit less than what Texas requires which is 30/60/25. Liability limits are very important because if your limits are not high enough and you have an at fault accident you can be held responsible for the costs above your limits. Here are the different options of liability limits in OK:

Here are the options for liability limits in Texas:

It is important to remember that on liability only auto insurance your vehicle is not covered just the damage you do to another vehicle. You would need to purchase full coverage insurance if you want your car covered. We recommend once your vehicle is over 20 years old to start thinking about switching from full coverage to liability only if you do not have a lienholder on it. Liability auto insurance rates cost about half what full coverage does. So, if you are looking for the cheapest insurance policy you can get liability only is the way to go. Here at Cheapest Auto Insurance we can provide you liability car insurance at an affordable price with flexible pay plans. We can do one month auto insurance or a six month plan.
Additional resources for finding the best liability car insurance:
Why do auto insurance companies prefer writing liability only auto insurance?
Many auto insurance companies prefer writing liability only insurance policies because it is less money they have to pay out on claims, that is why the price it so much less. Insurance companies have much less risk on liability only insurance because natural disasters don’t affect these kinds of policies. Natural disasters like major hail storms pass thru OK and Texas frequently and do great damage to automobiles. So, insurance companies that have their book of business predominantly liability only, they avoid having to pay all these claims that comes from severe hail storms damaging full coverage cars. The more money auto insurance companies have to pay out on claims the more they are going to raise your premiums. A few auto insurance companies are offering accident forgiveness, which is where they do not raise your prices after an accident. But at the end of the day when auto insurance companies are losing money they usually are going to try to make it back by charging the customer more money.
Additional resources for auto insurance companies that have cheap liability insurance:
Click here for additional information on non-owners car insurance
Click here for information about finding insurance as a college student
Liability auto insurance rates usually do not raise very often. With increased competition of new insurance companies hitting the market it does not allow insurance companies to continually raise rates like they have in the past. This is a big benefit for the consumer, more competition usually always drives prices down. There are several ways you can lower the cost of your liability car insurance, it is important to always ask for all the discounts you qualify for when you are getting auto insurance quotes. Here are some discounts you can ask for when searching for liability auto insurance quotes:

Understanding Liability Insurance
Liability only auto insurance by definition is a type of automobile insurance coverage that is required by law that pays for the other person’s expenses in case of a car accident that is your fault. The total amount paid by the insurance company for medical bills to the third party injured cannot eclipse the middle number, for instance in Oklahoma the minimum limits are 25/50/25 so the amount cannot eclipse $50,000 paid by the company. As far as property damage is concerned, the amount paid cannot go above the 3rd number so using Texas as an example of 30/60/25 limits the amount for property damage done to a 3rd party cannot eclipse $25,000. It is important to make sure you are adequately covered on your liability only auto insurance because you don’t want to get stuck holding the bag if the damage you do in the accident goes above your limits.
Liability auto insurance rates vary quite a bit between Texas and Oklahoma. Because Texas has some of the largest cities in America liability prices are up to 25% higher than Oklahoma in many cases. Smaller towns in Texas have more affordable rates for liability policies but still higher compared to smaller cities in Oklahoma. Population has a large effect on liability prices due to higher traffic and more uninsured motorist claims.
To learn more about liability insurance click here
How to find cheap liability car insurance with a bad driving record?
Drivers who have a bad driving record and want liability only auto insurance may find it in their best interest to contact a nonstandard auto insurance broker. This is an insurance agency who shops numerous insurance companies for you. With these insurance agencies having access to many different carriers this can help the consumer find the cheapest insurance quotes. Having a bad driving record can greatly increase your monthly insurance prices. Most insurance companies raise your car insurance rates by at least 20% for just one accident and if you throw on some tickets on top of that you can see how the price can get out of hand quickly. If you are looking for the cheapest auto insurance rates possible then you would ask for the state minimum liability insurance which we have gone over above. When you are getting auto insurance quotes it is important to make sure no coverage is added that you don’t want and on the other hand no coverage is taken away from what you need. Some auto insurance companies try to throw on extra coverages that may or may not be needed which can cost you more on your monthly premiums. And other insurance companies just throw on the bare minimum coverage when you may need more, this why it's so important when you get your auto insurance quotes to clearly explain what coverages you need.
Click one of the below links for a quick cheap auto insurance quote for liability only:
Cheapest Auto Insurance can provide you with a cheap liability car insurance policy with the coverage you need. We have lots of discounts we can add to your auto insurance quotes, here are a few we offer on our liability insurance quotes:

We can provide you with the liability insurance you need at a price you can afford. With our multiple pay plan options, we can provide you a low down payment and a monthly price you can afford.
Additional resources for understanding different auto insurance coverage:
updated: 08/18/2021