If you are getting ready to obtain insurance for a new driver or have recently moved to Muskogee then you might have a few questions about the state laws governing minimum liability coverage in order to save money on car insurance. Muskogee is surrounded by three rivers which, over the years, has been ripe with the history of Native Americans, Explorers and Pioneers. The town today has many lovely parks and some pretty amazing Native American history museums. It is a wonderful diverse community with great schools and a low cost of living in the state of Oklahoma.
Oklahoma has an interesting minimum liability coverage law for car insurance that might confuse newcomers at first. Getting the right car insurance broker can help you decided the best coverage at the most affordable rates. If you are looking for the lowest premiums possible you must at least take out the state minimum required liability coverage. Liability coverage means that your insurance will pay for damages to the other party in the event you are in an accident that is determined to be your fault. It does not cover your own damages if you are to blame for the accident, this is the most basic coverage just making you less of a liability on the road. That is why it’s called “liability coverage.”
The minimum liability coverage law in Oklahoma is $25,000 bodily injury liability per person up to $50,000 per accident and $25,000 property damage liability. In addition to this, there is a law that states all car insurance providers must offer uninsured motorist insurance to everyone seeking car insurance. This last part can confuse car insurance shoppers. The law states that the coverage must be offered and available to all motorists, but it does not demand that all drivers take out this insurance, it is extra protection for you. Since Oklahoma is an “at-fault” state for driving accidents, uninsured motorists have the potential to gum up the works when it comes to paying for damages incurred by a driver who is not at fault for the accident. While this coverage is a good idea, it is not mandatory. Your trusted car insurance brokers can help you determine what coverage is necessary within your budget for you.