Why is driving with vehicle insurance important?
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Driving without vehicle insurance has its fair share of consequences. You may think that you may never get caught but once involved in an auto accident or pulled over by a police officer you will wish you had it. In this video, we are going to discuss the consequences of driving without vehicle insurance.
No matter which state you live in, each state has laws on the what is the minimum amount of insurance you must carry on your vehicle. This is called your Liability Limits. For example, Oklahoma’s liability limits are $25,000/$50,000/$25,000. Each state has consequences for not carrying at least the state minimum liability limits. Often times it proves to be very costly.
If caught in Oklahoma without proper auto insurance coverage, you will be subject to a fine of $250 and possible suspension of your license. You are given 10 days to put auto insurance on your vehicle. If you fail to do so in the time given you will be charged with a misdemeanor and possible jail time. As you can see, it’s serious business driving without vehicle insurance.
There are many reasons that people may justify not carrying auto insurance on their vehicles, such as, it’s too expensive, I don’t have an active driver’s license, or I have too many points on my record. Luckily, here at Cheapest Auto Insurance, we specialize in non-standard auto insurance. That means no matter what your situation is we can guarantee that we will have the best rate and be able to insure you and keep you safe and legal on the road! So visit us today at Aautoandhomeinsurnace.com to get a free quote!