How to find Auto Insurance in Broken Arrow
There are several auto insurance companies who have competitive pricing on auto insurance. With Broken Arrow being one of the larger cities in Oklahoma the prices are higher compared to the more rural areas but still less than nearby Tulsa. Auto insurance companies have very different prices depending on what part of Broken Arrow you live in. If you live on the Wagoner County side it can be up to a 25% discount compared to the Tulsa County side. Wagoner county is considered more of a rural area versus the Tulsa County side is considered more metropolitan. Broken Arrow can have very heavy traffic in some parts that compares to Tulsa. The more traffic congestion usually means more claims insurance companies have to pay out which costs consumers more in the end.
Here are a few auto insurance companies who offer liability auto insurance in Broken Arrow at an affordable price:
- Equity
- Progressive
- Key
- Falcon
The limits of liability in Oklahoma are 25/50/25 so if you are looking for cheap liability car insurance in Broken arrow those would be the limits you request. The higher the limits of liability you request the higher your monthly payments will be. There are a few insurance companies in Broken Arrow who offer month to month insurance, this can sometimes be a good way to find liability insurance if you don’t need it for very long and looking for low down payment insurance. Key Insurance Company is a great option for a monthly liability only auto insurance policy. If you have at least one year of prior insurance and good credit State Farm and Geico have affordable auto insurance for you. When shopping for affordable auto insurance it is important to get an auto insurance quote from the insurance companies that fit your needs.
Average Cost of Auto Insurance in Broken Arrow
The average cost of auto insurance in Broken Arrow is about $1,700 a year if you are on the Tulsa County side but much less if on the Wagoner County side. The Oklahoma Department of Insurance is being tougher on auto insurance companies raising prices so far this year due to the impact of Covid-19 on the economy. Many insurance companies are even lowering rates due to less claims being paid out by companies. This has resulted in a great savings for consumers with some carriers.
New To Cheapest Auto Insurance?
At Cheapest Auto Insurance, we are able to quickly get you a new quote over the phone or online. Call us at 918-986-7444 or get an online quote here!