Everyone needs auto insurance to drive, at least liability if nothing more. If you’ve committed a serious traffic violation in Dallas, such as drunk driving, then you might be required by law to obtain SR-22 auto insurance. This means you need a SR-22 form, showing proof that you have an auto insurance policy that complies with Texas’s liability insurance requirements. If you don’t have this then you cannot reinstate your license after it’s been lost. Even if you don’t own your own car, this could still be a requirement for getting your suspended license back in order.
The SR-22 form gets filed with the state and serves as your proof of coverage. Your insurance policy will have to include at a minimum:
$30,000 of bodily injury coverage per person injured in an accident
$60,000 of bodily injury coverage per accident
$25,000 of property damage coverage per accident
If your insurance lapses, meaning you don’t pay it, while your license is suspended then that lapse gets reported to the state. This can complicate matters and extend the period of time your license is suspended. You’ll also get sacked with additional fees and penalties. Once you get your license back and the SR-22 is no longer needed you can cancel it with your provider. You’ll want to cancel only the SR-22 form and not your insurance through or you can’t drive. In order to drive legally you need minimum liability auto insurance coverage at all times.
In a few states, such as Texas, you might be required to obtain SR-22A insurance. The main difference is that you have to pay for this one 6 months in advance. People with lower credit scores and different financial situations might be required to get this additional protection in their coverage to make sure there is no lapse in coverage for a specific amount of time. This could be an important step in reinstating your driver’s license.
Is SR-22 Insurance Affordable?
SR-22 insurance does cost more than other auto policies, and there may be a filing fee for the SR-22 form between $15 and $50. What can cause an increase in rates is whatever violation you were charged with. Getting a DUI can significantly raise your insurance rates or prevent you from being able to get a normal policy at all. Sometimes you’ll have to seek coverage with a high-risk insurance company. To get cheaper rates always make sure to compare prices and different companies. Each company values risk differently and you’ll be surprised at the differences in price. If you aren’t good at side-by-side comparison you can contact an auto insurance broker to help you find the best plan available to you. Don’t assume all companies will have the same premiums. Ask about any discounts you might be eligible for to decrease our rates or take out a high deductible plan to lower your monthly premiums.
Drivers with a serious traffic violation, such as DUI, can get their license suspended. While your license is suspended, you have to keep your car insurance in place and go an extra step and obtain a SR22 form. The SR22 form proves that you carry the required liability insurance needed by state law. Even if you don’t own a car, you’ll still need the SR22 and a non-owner insurance policy. If you’re facing this obstacle, here is a little more information you might find helpful.
Who has the best prices on SR22 Insurance in Dallas
Many larger chains don’t offer SR22 forms but it’s not a good idea to cancel your current policy if you like it because it could be hard to get it back at the same rate, or at all. Instead, you can keep the policy you have and get your SR22 from another company. Or if you are dropped from your insurance you can choose a company that specializes in risky drivers.
If you need a new policy plus an SR22, here are some of your best bets in Dallas:
- Progressive
- Pronto
- Fred Loya
- Save Money Car Insurance
Texas is already above the national average when it comes to insurance rates. The average cost of auto insurance in Texas is $1,620 a year. Rate increases for a DWI or DUI are around 49% which would bring the average SR-22 insurance rate in Dallas to $2,414. If you’re looking for cheaper rates, the best thing to do is shop around and compare policies side by side.
The SR22 itself doesn’t cost anything besides the $25 filing fee. Your insurance, however, can increase up to 75% based on what violation caused your loss of license. If you don’t own a car, make sure to ask for non-owner SR22 insurance. Since you presumably drive less often when you don’t own a car, the price of premiums for these plans are lower.
In order to keep from having to deal with these expensive legal obstacles, makes sure to maintain a safe driving record. You can do this by driving at or under the posted speed limits, avoid distracted driving, and never drive after drinking alcohol or using drugs.
Breakdown of SR22 Forms and Auto Insurance
The Texas Department Of Public Safety requires proof of financial responsibility for divers who have a suspended license as part of the reinstatement program. It certifies that you have at least the required state minimum liability insurance, even though you can’t drive. You’ll need to keep your SR22 form on file for at least 2 years after your suspension has been lifted.
Why do you need the SR22 at all? It provides some extra insurance that you keep your auto insurance policy in good standing. If you have an SR22 on file and let your insurance lapse, they are required to notify the state. This hurts your chances of getting your license reinstated and can result in fines and other punishments.
How to File an SR22 with the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS)
Here are the steps you must take to get your SR22 on file. First, choose an authorized insurance provider to assist you. Your insurance company will charge you a fee for filing the paperwork on your behalf. This fee can be between $10 and $25. Later, you’ll also have to pay a reinstatement fee of $100. The insurer will file the SR22 directly with the DPS. It is then up to you to continue paying your monthly insurance premiums and not let your policy lapse during this time, even though you can’t legally drive with a suspended license. You’ll have to keep the SR22 form on file for at least 2 years after your license is reinstated.
Getting SR22 Insurance in Dallas
SR-22 is a document or certificate certain drivers need in order to prove they have the minimum auto liability insurance required by the state of Texas. After a person's license is temporarily revoked or suspended, he needs SR-22 insurance to start driving again.
After committing a criminal offense or committing a serious traffic violation, part of the punishment may include temporary suspension of the driver license. Usually, people who need this certificate have been charged with an alcohol or drug-related driving offense. Some people are required to get the certificate if their license was suspended due to negligent operation of the vehicle. Driving a vehicle without insurance and getting into an accident could also cause to person to need a certificate.
Ask your insurer about SR-22 insurance. Confirm what the policy coverage and limits will be. Find out how much the policy will cost. The insurer will review your driving record and reference other criteria to calculate the policy rate. Some insurers do not offer coverage for people who need the certificate.
Our discount specialists, will shop dozens of companies for you and make sure you get great rates on your SR-22. You can compare the policy rates and services provided by other companies. (We'll do that for you) The coverage needs to be affordable since failing to pay the premium will lead to the policy being terminated by the insurer.
In Dallas, Texas the SR-22 is a guarantee that you will keep coverage on your vehicle. If the state believes you are a risky driver or not likely to carry it you will have to pay for this form. When the state says you need it is generally the only time you actually have to pay for it.
You are required to have continuous SR-22 insurance while operating a vehicle. You only need to update the certificate with the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles if you change insurers or the current policy stops being active. Once you no longer need this type of coverage, your policy rate will likely decrease.
SR22 car insurance is relatively more expensive compared to your ordinary auto insurance policy. This is due to the risk associated with the kind of drivers needing this type of coverage (e.g. those that have DUI convictions or has incurred major driving violations) which is usually very high.
New to Cheapest Auto Insurance?
Often times drivers who find themselves in need of an SR22 are unaware of what they need. It can be a confusing and frustrating situation. However, at Cheapest Auto Insurance, we are happy to help relieve some of the stress and help you get a quote. Our agents are live and ready to help assist you in whatever way they can. Call us at 214-760-4883 or if you prefer to get a quote online we can also assist you with that just simply click here!