Everyone who owns a car needs auto insurance. This article will give you some tips on lowering your auto insurance costs. You will find a checklist of items to ask your insurance agent that may qualify for discounts. Keep in mind that not all discounts can be applied with all insurance companies in all states.
1. Shop Around
Go to your favorite search engine and type in “Cheapest car insurance quotes online” if you’re in Bartlesville. You’ll see a long list of insurance companies that you may even be familiar with. We are actually ranked #1 for that search. You will then be asked basic information about yourself, your driving history, and your car’s make, model, and year. It just takes a couple of seconds if you do it with us using our online form, and shortly thereafter, they will email you a no obligation quote.
Each insurance company will ask you generally the same questions, and will give you options about how much coverage you will want. Find your current policy, if you have one, and take note of the coverage you currently have. Always provide the same information and ask for the same coverage at each company so you will be comparing apples to apples. In Oklahoma remember you only need liability insurance at 25/50/25 as said at Oklahoma’s government site here. Now read the fine print and make sure nothing is excluded from the quote you might want like Rental car coverage, towing, medical, etc…
For the purposes of the quote, the insurance company will not ask you your social security number, but keep in mind your actual cost maybe higher or lower depending on your credit history. If you’re not sure about some of the terminology or coverage, take notes so that you can ask the insurance company about them directly.
Once you have the quote you can write it down, take the lowest two or three quotes and see if they are less than what you are paying now. Most likely at least one of them is much lower. Here at Cheapest Auto Insurance in Bartlesville we always provide out clients with a couple options and have custom quotes based on your current needs. At this point you will want to call them directly to get the most accurate quote by providing additional personal information if needed. For additional discounts, here is a checklist of things you should ask about.
- $500/$1,000 deductible’s
- Marriage Discount
- Paying monthly, semi-annually, or annually
- Multi Car
- No Moving Violations in 3 Years
- Driver Training Courses
- Defensive Driving Courses
- Anti-Theft Devices
- Low Annual Mileage
- Air Bags
- Anti-Lock Brakes
- Student Good Grades
- College Students
- No Accidents in 3 Years
- Long-Time Client
- Other Discounts
2. Saving Insurance Premium on cars you own
If you own a clear title to your car, meaning there is no bank loan on it, then you may want to consider dropping the full coverage. As a rule of thumb, if the cars value is less than $3000, it may not make sense for you to pay for this additional coverage. Over time, the cost of the additional insurance premium will exceed the value of the car. It’s pretty simple math. Just make sure your not paying for coverage you don’t need. If an agent from another business tells you otherwise be cautious.
Check the fair market value of your car either through KelleyBlueBook.com or even your local newspaper. See what other people are trying to get for the same car. Keep in mind your cars mileage, condition, and age. Has it been in an accident before? Does it have unusually high mileage in excess of 15,000 miles per year? Does it need new tires? You get the idea. Be realistic, because in the event that this car is in an accident and is damaged beyond repair, it is unlikely you will get the full value of the car.
3. A Clean Credit History Can Reduce Car Premiums:
Having good credit can also lower your insurance costs in some cases. Many insurance companies will use credit information to price auto insurance policies. Drivers with good credit and a clean driving record may qualify as a “preferred” customer with lower risk and will be rewarded with lower premiums. Fortunately here at Cheapest Auto Insurance in Bartlesville we do not need our clients to have good credit to get good rates, so be sure to give us a call 918-744-5145 or submit a quote online with us here.
4. Low Mileage Discounts
Some companies offer discounts to drivers who drive a lower than average number of miles per year. If you car pool, take public transportation like the subway, or work from home, you will most likely drive few miles per year than the average driver.
Using all of these tips can save you hundreds of dollars per year, especially when you have multiple cars and multiple drivers in the same household.
If you would like a free consultation from our office in Bartlesville just give us a quick call and we can see what discounts you qualify for!
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