Based on a fatal crash data in 2014, U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) declared that motorcyclists are 27 times more likely to die in a vehicle crash compared to car occupants and 6 times more likely to be injured. Fatalities among motorcycle riders have increased to almost 6% from 2006 to 2015, with a whooping 8% increase in 2015 alone. So are motorcycles worth the risk?
Those numbers aren’t meant to scare you off, not that we intend to, but at least you get the idea that motorcycle safety is still a big traffic problem in the U.S. Motorcycles can be fun -- for some. The thrill, freedom that comes along when riding one in the open road; the fresh air rushing through your skin and that sense of mobility -- makes motorcycle an attractive vehicle.
Motorcycle Safety Statistics
In 2015, there are 4,976 motorcycle riders and passengers that died in vehicular crashes and 88,000 suffered from nonfatal injuries according to an Injury Facts 2017 by the National Safety Council. Moreover, during the same year in Oklahoma, around 88 motorcyclists were killed during crashes -- a 60% increase from 54 in 2014-- and a significant 55.7% of those were not wearing a helmet.
The National Safety Council announced that in 2016, there are 19,100 people who lost their lives due to motorcycle and car crashes and a $205 billion total estimated cost of deaths and injuries.
These numbers aren’t just here without a reason. Those numbers hopefully reflects our message that you need to adhere to safety when riding on a two-wheeled vehicle. In short, riding a motorcycle exposes you to more danger than any other mode of transportation on the road. What could be more dangerous than sitting on a vehicle that is inherently designed to fall over?
Motorcycle Safety Tips
According to NHTSA, when motorcycle and other vehicles collide, most of the time, it is usually the latter who violates the motorcyclist’s so-called “right of way”.
Automobiles and other vehicles end up in this way due to several factors like:
- Motorcycles are small and aren’t that visible by the other drivers.
- Due to a motorcycle’s mobility, drivers don’t anticipate a motorcycle’s move on the road.
- Driver’s view of the motorcycle riders are obstructed by the vehicle’s blind spots.
- Drivers could be distracted (does smartphones and social media ring a bell?)
You can save your own life (and get to your destination in full shape) by adhering to motorcycle safety tips like the following below:
- Wear a full coverage helmet that offers the most protection. Don’t settle for something just because they’re cheap. Remember, your life is priceless! Look for the DOT sticker which met helmet safety standards.
- Forget the fancy and cool supersport bikes which have higher driver death rates of about 4 times than those regular ones. Ah, finally, you realized now! Choose a motorcycle that suits you.
- Before you run wild on the road, be sure to take the time to get to know your new “wheel baby” by riding it in a controlled area. Take a motorcycle safety course and a refresher course for the experienced ones.
- Get to know the rules of the road and learn it by heart.
- Check your bike’s tire pressure, tread depth, hand and foot brakes, signal indicators, fluid levels and headlights before you can take it into traffic. Never bring any passenger with you if you’re not comfortable yet. On the other hand, if you carry a passenger, tell him/her to hold on firmly to your waist or hips and lean closer to you and observe minimal movements.
- Never ever ever drink and drive. Ever! Alcohol and drugs affects your judgement, coordination, balance and control and a whole lot other.
- Watch out for hazards like manholes, potholes, sand, debris, oil slicks and others.
- Always use your motorcycle’s headlight day and night. Make yourself visible too by other drivers.
- Stick to your designated lanes while observing right speed.
- Aside from helmet, wear other protective gears like bright and/or reflective clothes, full pants and boots that cover the ankles and goggles or glasses.
The Safest Ways to Ride a Motorcycle
Admit it or not, bike riding has its own charm and a romanticism of a kind. After all, what is better than feeling the freedom on two wheels, riding against the wind and the sensational experience of hurling on a smooth road? However, as thrilling as it may sound, bike riding is also one of the most dangerous things, if precautions are not taken. This is why, if you love the bike riding, you need to know about the following safest ways to ride one.
Inspect the bike
A quick inspection shortcut for bike riders is T-CLOCS. It stands for Tires, Controls, Lights, Oil, Chassis and Stand. Inspect all these bike elements before you go to take a ride, especially if it is a high-speed racing spree or one on the highway. Although a problem with these elements may not cause a serious accident, the inspection surely gives you peace of mind and you can enjoy the ride even better.
Helmet is a necessity, not a luxury
This is 100% true. Nothing makes you safer on a bike than wearing a helmet. According to statistics, 85% of the deaths because of road accidents could have been prevented just by wearing a helmet. Just for the sake of a thrill, there is no need to put your head, eyes or brain at stake. Before you go off for a venture, wear a full face helmet. Keep its glass clean and buckle it up for additional safety. Strictly follow the helmet rules of your area.
Wear the correct shoes
This is the most underrated safety feature of bike riding. Riding a bike in normal home flip flops or comfortable sandals might sound appealing, but it is too dangerous. Your feet can easily slip while you are riding full speed, causing a serious type of bike slip and a road accident. While riding a bicycle, wear proper joggers or motorbike shoes. Also, go for a leather jacket and arm and leg covering if going on a bike racing spree or high-speed riding.
Be careful on intersections
Intersections are the parts of the road where most motorcycle accidents are reported. This is because most of the car drivers do not look at their right or left before making the turn. They also tend to violate motorcyclists’ rights. Therefore, a bike rider must slow down and look thoroughly before entering into an intersection. Try to ride defensively and do not expect others to take care of you or your vehicle.
Stay focused
It is true that despite being angry or emotional, you can still ride a car with lesser fear of an accident. The same cannot be said for the bicycle. If you are feeling angry, absentminded, emotional or weak, it is a good idea not to ride a bike. This is because these distractions may cause a more severe road accident and the injuries can be more brutal than imagination.
So, here are a few safest ways to ride a motorcycle without creating a wreck. Remember, speed is thrilling, but nothing is more important than your safety. Enjoy the ride!
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